Hynds Foundation is proud to have made a significant donation to and become a part of Auckland City Mission’s revolutionary new development, ‘HomeGround’, which provides much needed accommodation, medical and community facilities for Auckland’s homeless.
Over the next 50 years, 80 apartments will enable people to exit street-living immediately, using a New Zealand-first model of housing (providing a home for a total exceeding 4000 people!) The new Mission will offer the ONLY publicly funded community detox beds in Auckland, with a total of 25 beds. (That’s 32,500 detox placements over 50 years!)
HomeGround offers fit for purpose spaces, implementing an improved trauma-informed model of care, to provide health and social services via the Calder Medical Centre; dental clinic, pharmacy, crisis care, housing first and outreach teams within the facility.
Retail and community spaces are also be available for therapeutic interventions, including social enterprise initiatives and conference and event facilities that will be accessible to all Aucklanders. A truly transformative project that we are proud to support!